Hello and thank you for taking the time to look at my site.

The mugshots below are from someone that does not have a driver's license.

The left mugshot is when she was arrested in June of 2018 for driving without a license.

The middle mugshot is when she was arrested in Decemeber of 2018.

The right mugshot is when she turned herself in for violation of probation in March of 2019.

The image below the mug shots is a copy of the results of a search on https://services.flhsmv.gov/dlcheck/ the returned resutlts show that her license is REVOKED!!!! Not suspended but REVOKED!!!!

Now you might sit there is disbelief. How can this happen? I pay for to renew my license and regsitration. I pay for car insurance.

Then your mind will try to rationalize this by saying Well maybe Sheriff Woods does not know about this or have any direct knowledge of this person's actions.

Well the sad truth is that Sheriff Woods does have knowledge of this person violating the law.

I have personally sent registered letters to Sheriff Woods will all the necessary information to apprehend this person, and as you can guess I have gotten no response.

When I see this person driving on the road I call the non emergency line. The deputies that have called me back have laughed me off the phone. I was told at one point “Well we just can’t sit there and wait for someone to break the law.” Isn’t that what they do?

I wonder if it would be considered malicious prosecution to arrest someone else for driving without a license when Sheriff Woods knows that this person is, but will do nothing about it?

By not taking these reports seriously, Sheriff Woods looks like an ineffectual law enforcement leader.

Sheriff Woods please take care of the citizens of your county and make Marion County a safer place. You are supposed to be the paragon of justice and by not catching this person you are setting an atmosphere of injustice.

Mug Shot One Mug Shot One Mug Shot One driving record


Well she got her license back. However, the war is not over. Sheriff Woods has been derelict in his duties for the last 4+ years. His refusal to do anything about this shows his extreme lack of integrity. A criminal was able to drive the streets without impunity for 4+ years while the rest of us paid for our license, insurance, and registration.

In my opinion, Sheriff Woods not only owes me an apology, but all the citizens that he took an oath to protect. His unwillingness to apprehend this person shows that he decides who the laws apply to in Marion County. This should be a wake up call for everyone. Sheriff Woods is not law enforcement. He is a tyrant with a badge.

I will work with whoever opposes him in the next election. If you are that person, then reach out to me directly.